Monday, September 24, 2012

It's time!


It is time to do this. What are you waiting for? You lost 40lbs, and gained most of it back, for what? Junk food? GET IT INTO GEAR! You deserve more for yourself, your kids, your husband, and YOUR LIFE!

Day 1 of my new life



Monday, September 3, 2012


Well, since I last posted nearly 6 months ago, I have relocated, bought a home, gotten fatter, and became OVERWHELMED and STRESSED out. Holy smokes people, LIFE happened. It actually slapped me in the face, and reared it's ugly head!

Needless to say I am over feeling this way. I am over living this way. Now I have NO excuses to get off my lazy butt, and kick this fat's ass! I tried so hard to stay motivated and ready for change, but I just can't deal with my stress well.

I know, excuses excuses.

While I sit here at 2:37am, listening to my idiot dog bark, I am getting another epiphany. A pretty sweet one. Actually, and AMAZING one!

Be back soon, with a plan:)


Wednesday, March 28, 2012

M O T I V A T I O N!

 Hello everyone,

I know I know, I have been MIA for the past little while. A combination of money stress, moving stress, house stress, and STRESS in general has got me a little off. I am super bummed about it too because I had such a strong start into my new life! Dang it! 

I do have to say though, I AM NOT GIVING UP! I can promise you this! I think about this every single morning when I wake up, OK, this is the day I can get right back in..Then, BAM, life happens. Woof.

Either way I am still going to give it my all, and be a normal human being that sometimes eats disgusting food. I plan to eliminate this problem completely. I don't want to be someone who occasionally eats nasty food, I want to be a role model for women and girls just like me. Fat. With NO ONE to turn to, but yourself. I want to mentor other people to be healthy individuals throughout their life, and make it live on into their children's, and children's children etc...

Pretty deep, right?

FACT, I do get lazy when I am stressed. Truth, I hate that about myself. 

I have to pick myself back up, and realize I am only human after all. I can't just jump into a whole new lifestyle, and expect myself to be perfect 100% of the time. So this comes to my next realization..

I. Need. A. Hobby. Something to get my mind away from food, something to help me get through the day when I am bored, or when I am stressing out! I have decided to start exercising! There is no reason I shouldn't anyway, I just keep making excuse after excuse. Well, not anymore!

Bring it on.

Here are a few things to get me started again, I am hoping to look back, and kick it into gear! WOOT!

Oh yes, I will be wearing this by summer's end. Preferably August (hottest month of the year, folks).
 Come fall I will be stylish in this cute ensemble.
 AND, just a little piece of every day.
This is a great motto for me to live by, it's true for me in SO many ways.

Wish me luck! I have a lot of stuff to move, papers to sign, people to meet, things to clean, money to make, bills to pay, and FAT TO LOSE! 

Here is to the next 6 months, cheers!



Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Round 2

Round 2. Finished. Woot! I started this round Monday February 27, and ended yesterday March 5. I started weighing in at 235lbs.

I weighed in this morning, and I am down to 226lbs AND I lost 11.5 inches!

Neck- Start was 17 1/2 inches & END is 17 inches
Chest- Start was 41 inches & END is 39 inches
Boobs- Start was 48 1/2 inches & END is 47
Left arm- Start was 16 inches & END is 15.5 inches
Right arm- Start was 16 inches & END is 15.5 inches
Belly- Start was 50 inches & END is 47.5 inches
Waist- Start was 47 1/4 inches & END is 45.5 inches
Right thigh- Start was 27 & END is 26
Left Thigh- Start was 27 1/2 & END is 26!

I cannot even begin to tell you how much I LOVE this company. It is not just about the weight for me, it is about feeling good, and I do. I am sleeping better, eating better, happier, clearer, and LIGHTER! WAHOO! 

I begin round 3 tomorrow, and I am going to keep going until I reach my goal weight of 150lbs hopefully by JULY:) Oh the beauty of it!

Peace out, peeps!

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Progress is not just a word..


My first week of IGNITE has come and gone..Let's say overall it was a success!! I am proud of my husband for backing me up, and loving me through my hungry mood swings, my kids for jumping up and down saying "YAY" when I was losing a pound, and MYSELF for doing it! 

I did get weak a couple times, I am not gonna lie. It was HARD, but it trekked on and carried myself through it.

OK OK, here are my stats!

I am dumb and didn't measure myself until day 4 so I could have lost more. Oh well!

Before:                                                                               After:
Waist- 46 1/2 inches                                                         45 1/2 inches
Belly- 52 1/2 inches                                                          51 inches
Neck- 18 inches                                                                17 inches
Thigh- 27 1/2 inches                                                        26 inches
Upper arm- 14 1/2 inches                                               14 1/2 inches
Chest w/boobs- 47 1/2 inches                                         47 inches
Chest under boobs- 41 1/2 inches                                  39 inches

For a TOTAL amount of inches at 8!! E I G H T!! That is a lot to me! Plus, I am down 11lbs:) WOW after one week. I LOVE XYNGULAR!!! Total weight loss so far at 28lbs in 6 weeks! :)

I am not going to tell  you my momentum stayed as high, I have been loving FOOD since I got off, and tomorrow it's time to jump right back on! Day 1 week 2 of Ignite, starts NOW! 

Thank you for all of the support. You guys have NO idea how much you mean to me! Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU!!

Peace out! 

Wednesday, February 15, 2012


Can I just tell you how much I love Xyngular? I am over the moon that my friend introduced me to this company, and I am PUMPED to tell you about it. 

I started on Sunday. The first two days were a little hard, but not bad! I took Xyng first thing Sunday morning (I mean I had butterflies I was so excited ha ha), and I jumped up after about an hour, and I DEEP cleaned my ENTIRE house! Those of you that know me will think I am nuts, but I had SO MUCH ENERGY!!


I cleaned all day, played with my kids all night, and I was in a fantastic mood! Day two, same thing. Cleaned my kitchen twice. Played with my kids, ran around town WITHOUT getting tired! Score! Day three, I was SO excited for this day to come because I was able to chew some food ha ha, I ate, and felt great, and got SO full on only a small amount. Today is day four. I rocked it, and I would like to say I weighed in 6lbs lighter! For a total weight loss of 23lbs!! I have almost lost 10% of my original self. WOW, right?

I cannot even begin to tell you how much I love this product, and it has only been a few short days. I am hoping everyone who is thinking about it will give it a shot, because I was nervous about it too, and now I could not be happier with my choice! Not to mention you can make money, WOOT! It has literally already paid for itself, AND gave me a profit!

Can't beat that!

Still no exercise routine yet. I think I will start when I hit 225. I am weighing in at 236lbs. Oh man. The last time I weighed that much I was pregnant with Enorah. Like 5 months pregnant. It is music to my ears when I say it out loud! That may seem like nothing to some of you, but 23lbs is A LOT to me! That is like Dashie & 1/2 ;)

I have tons of motivation lately. I am just feeling great, I really think that is why I can keep my head held high! Seriously though people, if you feel like nothing can help you, WRONG. This product is amazing, and I truly believe in it!

Enough of the motivational ramble. I am headed to bed! By the way, John tests for a new job tomorrow, cross your fingers! WOOT!

Peace out!

Saturday, February 11, 2012


Hey there peeps! It has been a while since my last blog post. Still staying strong! I splurged a little today to ready my body's shock to IGNITE! I start my Ignite system tomorrow, and I am STOKED to say the least. I am really excited to jump start my weight loss a little bit, and get some energy. This system is ALL natural, and I have seen quite a few success stories of people I know personally. So, when is a better time then NOW?! 

The system has a pill you take in the morning that has a natural source of caffeine, 3 shakes a day with some fruit juice, along with a cleansing pill, and another one that curbs appetite. I am VERY excited to start my journey on this program. I also do NOT need any negative comments about this. I have a feeling people will be trying to tell me how it's not "safe" and so on. WELL, I have done my research, and let me tell you, it's AMAZING, and NATURAL. How can you argue with natural? So all you negative Nancy's out there keep it to YOURSELF:)!

Last I checked I was up 3lbs, BUT I actually fit my small towel around my entire body for the first time since I had Enorah. I am super stoked about that. Then, I went to put on my regular bra on (I am so big chested I usually just wear sports bras), and I had to clasp it to the tightest clasp, and my cup was too big! You have NO idea how excited I am about this. I am a 44 E people. My. Boobs. Are. Massively. HUGE. Not only do I have back problems, but I cannot find a normal bra to wear without specially ordering it. Not anymore! I am going to try and get back to at least a 36 C to D. Oh man, that will be MY defining moment. 

Sorry John. Heh heh heh.

I have started to get my house together which feels nice. I actually have the energy to do so! Big improvements are being made in my life, and it feels AMAZING! Talking to you, my friends, is making me strive harder to be a healthier, thinner, active, better person. Inside and OUT! 

I do want to take the time to thank all of you again for supporting my blog, and my decision to better my life. I love and appreciate all of you who have commented, and "liked" my statuses. It means a lot to me.

Quick shout out to my friend Lacie, she is down 9lbs in a month! She is doing GREAT! I am so proud of you friend!

I will post my feelings on Ignite tomorrow!

Peace out!

Monday, February 6, 2012

Going, Going, GONE!

These past few days have been kind of rough.

One word..


I let myself get a little crazy on Sunday. I actually added up my points at the end of the night, and I only went over by 5 which is pretty dang good. Weight Watchers allows 35 weekly bonus points specifically designed for days like the Superbowl. Awesome! I can honestly say I didn't really even eat that bad even though I went over. I had some amazing Pico De Gallo/Guac mmmmm paired with BAKED tortilla chips, pig in a blanket, some shrimp, and some little smokies. I was just careful about how much I ate

Overall, SUCCESS! I could have done MUCH worse and went on a complete binge like I used to. The best part is I weighed in today, and I am down 2 more lbs! HECK YEAH! I have almost lost 10% of my body weight, AND I am only 8lbs away from my short term goal! OH YEAH! WEIGHT LOSS YEAH! Sorry, Jersey Shore moment. Ha.

My favorite part of this whole experience is that I am doing this ON MY OWN! No diet pills, no gimmicks, just mwah. I feel even better about myself because people are asking my secrets, and really wondering how! Well people, it's called I cut my food intake in HALF, and I am moving a lot more! I bought a game for my Xbox tonight called "Dance Central", and I LOVE it!

Lady Gaga, Gwen Stefani, old school, Salt N Pepa, and The Beastie Boys all there for my dancing pleasure. I just hope no one comes to visit, and sees me. I SUCK at dancing, I ain't got no moves. Like, at all. Oh well, at least I am MOVING!

I could get down with some Zumba. Too bad there isn't one in Heber dang it!

I have put the gym on hold for a minute until I figure out my finances, but it is definitely in my future. 

New favorite food today, Progresso Light Soups. Not only are they DELICIOUS, but they are only 4 points for that HUGE can! Yes. I can foresee many "soup nights" in my future. John likes to eat out a lot, and I have been finding myself just eating at home instead. I feel so proud of that, that is my biggest downfall. FAST FOOD. WOOF!

Today I had my usual Honey Nut Cheerios w/1 cup Unsweetened Vanilla Flavored Almond Milk. Ahhhh Almond Milk. Not only is it yummy, but it is half the calories AND less than half the points of SKIM MILK! It is actually very delicious. Just different! I had a salad with Fat-Free dressing at Dairy Keen, along with some baked sweet potato fries. I had split pea and ham soup for dinner with half a turkey sandwich on a GLUTEN FREE roll! Mmmmm, today was good eats for sure!

Anyway friends, thanks for listening. Love you all. AND if you have any recipes, please feel free to email them to me at, 

Peace out!

Friday, February 3, 2012

Wide eyed & bushy tailed!

I feel so clear. I have no idea why it took me this long to realize how great you can feel on a vegetable. My mind is free and clear of craptastic food! OH YEAH!

I am beginning to think it's possible for my body to look like Scarlett Johansson's. Word. I have been in my "fat" place for so long I could never see the big picture ahead. It is a great feeling to know you have the power to change YOUR life! Who knew, eh?

Today was a GREAT day! Got a new TV, and ate some delicious healthy food. I accidentally keep skipping breakfast though, oops. My bad. That has been a tough thing for me to do, breakfast. I have never been a breakfast eater, ever. Oh well tomorrow is another day!

My favorite part about this whole experience so far besides my weight loss, is my sweet little Grandma. She calls me everyday to check up on me, and make sure that I am doing well! Who knew she could be the one that nudges me the most, well, along with my Mama of course! I love how excited Grandma gets, she literally squealed with delight when I told her I had shed 20lbs. Ha. Such a cute lady, love her!

I had a salad for lunch, and my yummy chicken/corn/bean/tomato dinner I found on Pinterest. Speaking of Pinterest, that is a HUGE part of my success so far. SO many amazing, healthy recipes! 

P.s. Enorah told me my belly was smaller today. Score! :)

Goodnight, Peeps!

Thursday, February 2, 2012


WOW! I cannot believe the support I am receiving from everyone around me. I seriously have the most AMAZING people in my life! Today was a great day! It was a hang around at home with daddy because it's his day off day, ha ha! I have to admit I am struggling a bit to maintain a full cupboard and fridge! I feel like I eat my food as fast as I buy it, hmmmm..

I can't lie, anyone who knows me knows I am a TOTAL winter lover, but I seriously cannot wait for SUMMER! I want to hit up the local farmer's markets, and go running in the sun! I am trying to figure out a master exercise plan. So far I am thinking that if I commit to a gym membership, then I WILL GO! I have an overwhelming amount of support from people that said they would go with me, so that is a start.

I am impatiently waiting for my tax returns to get here so I can FILL my kitchen with nothing but good, delicious, healthy food! I am going to literally give all of my current food away to the less fortunate. Here is an amazing start to my healthy life with my man, he has lost 7lbs! Just by cutting his sugar out. I am SO proud of him because if you knew John, he has eaten cookies and milk at bedtime as long as I have known him! Not good, not good at all! Also not easy for him. He is ALWAYS hungry, and looking for a sweet goodie to eat. I am trying to convert him over to my side, but it is hard!

He will have no choice after I fill my kitchen, he will eat what I eat, tough luck big guy ;)...

My biggest worry right now is my babies. I mean technically what I am doing to them is child abuse in a form of food. I am setting them up to be FAT adults, and that is NOT OK with me. Even more reason to get me moving, and John moving so they are moving with us! At this point, it's in the bag!

I tried quitting Diet Coke today. Epic FAIL. Oy vey! I got to about 6:00 p.m., and had a MASSIVE caffeine headache. I gave in. You know what though? I ate INCREDIBLY well today so that counts for something, right? Dang you Weight Watchers, why is Diet Coke 0, that's right Z E R O points?!? That makes it OK in my mind somehow, but as long as I am drinking it my kids are drinking it. Not cool, not cool. 

Today was great! I had Honey Nut Cheerios with Skim Milk for breakfast (that has been my routine lately), for lunch I had about 4 inches of my 6 inch Subway Club (NO cheese, only mustard, and free veggie points, WOOT), and for dinner I had chicken noodle soup with croutons.

Croutons. Speaking of croutons. I just love them. They give my salads amazing flavor, and two TABLESPOONS of them are only 2 points! I put them in my soups too for some body, and GARLIC. Oh man, I LOOOOOVVVVVEEE me some GARLIC! I am finding it hard lately not to salt my food. I have a serious salt addiction.

I USED to salt my buttered toast. Enough said.

I can say today that my goal of 20 points was not met :) I actually only ate 18, and I feel full, yesssss! Oh, and I am in LOVE with oranges. Best. Fruit. Ever.

I hope I am not boring you with my ramblings, but too bad if you follow me. This is ME! :)

Until next time, 


Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Ready, set, GO!!

The time has come to make my life a better place! This is my all new blog, all new me, and all new outlook on life! Please follow me on this long, emotional, difficult, and hopefully successful journey. I am going to start out with my story.

I am 5' 7" and I started at 259lbs. Really? However did I get this big? I will tell you. Mentally I have always thought I was overweight even when I could actually wear a bikini stretch mark free. My mental image must have depicted the future ahead of me because I have NEVER cared enough about myself to eat right, ever. I have never exercised. Even in High School I would always try to ditch gym class. When I met John in '1999 I weighed approximately 130-135lbs. I remember being a size 7, and I cannot for the life of me ever remember being comfortable with myself, even at that weight.

I slowly started to pack on the pounds over the years, each year adding 10lbs, and less self esteem. When I would look in the mirror I never thought I was OBESE or 400lbs so I was OK to keep doing what I was doing. During the first years of our marriage I only remember being blissfully happy with my married life, and love! Once I got comfortable with John, and everyone around me I started gaining even more weight. By the time I got pregnant with Enorah I weighed 218lbs.

The nurses told me not to gain more then 20-25lbs because I was already considered morbidly obese. So I packed on 40lbs thinking I am only pregnant once I can eat what I want. Oh did I. My beautiful baby girl was born, and I shed 15lbs or so. I was nursing her, and started to use that as an excuse. I would think to myself, well, I have to eat like I am pregnant to maintain my milk, so, I ate like I was pregnant. I weaned Enorah at 15 months, and got pregnant with Dash a month later. Then came the same excuse, I am pregnant! Then, after I had Dash I started nursing so along came even more reason to keep killing myself with food. After time I started to feel hungry ALL OF THE TIME!

Since John and I decided for me to stay home with my babies I got lazy. Super super lazy. Like to the point of when it was difficult for me to get off the couch. I slowly started to realize how difficult things were becoming. Like going to a movie with John wasn't as fun anymore because I barely fit into the seats, and the Heber Theaters were OUT of the question, way too small. I remember taking the kids to the park last summer, and sitting on the swings. While I was swinging I could feel the chains dig into my hips, and my butt overflowed off the back. Life went on. I kept getting heavier, and heavier. I tipped the scales at 268lbs the day I gave birth to Dash.

My "Ah-ha!" moment. I started feeling like I needed to change right around when my Grandpa Roy died. He got colon cancer, and it spread throughout his body to eventually take his life. My mom told me one day that my dad was NOT going to get a colonoscopy, and that he was going to stop taking his blood pressure meds until I lost some weight. That hit me, hard. With all of the emotions I kept thinking about how, but not really knowing how to change. Then one of my friends started going through a major life change, and asked me to start losing weight with her.

It took off from there. I called my mom for advice, she is the healthiest person I know, and she said to stop eating crap right NOW. Start today, now tomorrow, not Monday, but TODAY. So I did, that was 25 days ago. I started Weight Watchers, bought iTrack Bites App on my iPhone, went to the store and bought lots of healthy food, and started reading blogs. I got really really motivated by this one she said all of the things I needed to hear, AND she gave me a few recipes. Mind transformation=success! It took about two weeks to really start feeling confident in my choices of food, and now I can safely say I can avoid the wrong ones. 

I started out STARVING, all of the time. Especially at night. I filled in my hunger with veggies, and bought Weight Watchers ice cream sandwiches for my sweet tooth, Special K Cracker Chips for my salt tooth, and TONS of other vegetables and fruits to snack on to try and stay full. After two straight weeks of being ANAL about what went into my mouth the hunger subsided! I can now feel full on about 1000-1200 calories a day respectively:) Yesssssss!

My exercise and water is a work in progress. I still drink A LOT of Diet Coke, and barely exercise. I am thinking I will stop drinking my Diet Coke tomorrow, and bring on my water!! I have been trying to jump on the treadmill when I can, but I feel like I am going to die at this point in my life so I wanted to lose a little more weight before I started to hit it hard. I think this recent 20lb weight loss will do! I already feel lighter, and I have more energy. I can jump up, and move better. I have started dancing with my kids, and playing with them a lot more (they love it:)).

I hope I can motivate and inspire other people the way Taralynn(Undressed Skeleton) did me. I feel like I can reach the sky no matter how corny or cliche that may sound, it's true, and I have never had this much confidence and ambition in my lifetime. I am promising myself from this point on that my life, and they way I live it will be different. For me, myself, and I.

Life could not be better. :)

Believe with all of your heart that you will do what you were made to do.
Orison Swett Marden