Monday, September 24, 2012

It's time!


It is time to do this. What are you waiting for? You lost 40lbs, and gained most of it back, for what? Junk food? GET IT INTO GEAR! You deserve more for yourself, your kids, your husband, and YOUR LIFE!

Day 1 of my new life



Monday, September 3, 2012


Well, since I last posted nearly 6 months ago, I have relocated, bought a home, gotten fatter, and became OVERWHELMED and STRESSED out. Holy smokes people, LIFE happened. It actually slapped me in the face, and reared it's ugly head!

Needless to say I am over feeling this way. I am over living this way. Now I have NO excuses to get off my lazy butt, and kick this fat's ass! I tried so hard to stay motivated and ready for change, but I just can't deal with my stress well.

I know, excuses excuses.

While I sit here at 2:37am, listening to my idiot dog bark, I am getting another epiphany. A pretty sweet one. Actually, and AMAZING one!

Be back soon, with a plan:)
